Apr 23, 2023Liked by Esther Cohen

How unfortunate. I'm glad her teacher set the record straight and hope the misinformation wasn't the artist's fault: how much more painful it would be if that were so.

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Apr 23, 2023Liked by Esther Cohen

Love Honor but can’t see where to review!

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they don't make it easy (!!!) you have to log into an amazon account. at the bottom of the story is a thumbs up or down (!)

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Apr 23, 2023Liked by Esther Cohen

So marvelously cartoonishly consistent

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Esther Cohen’s new (ad)venture has just begun, as an Amazon Vella. In it Honor Schwartz is starting her novel, at last. Whether the serial will be the novel itself or Honor’s tribulations as she goes forward (or sideways?), certainly we can expect an abundance of characters ready to tell us all about themselves, their lovers, and their travels. Ms. Cohen’s characters tend to be an equanimous bunch, never prone to complaint or bitterness. They are the grand survivors, and her stories (whether told in poems, stories, novels, or serials) invoke always a synthesis of the bizarre and the mundane. We pass her people daily in the streets, and sit with them in waiting rooms or neighboring restaurant tables, but it is Ms. Cohen who learns their stories, eagerly revealed - one need only ask! So far, Episode One. I look forward to Honor’s continuing efforts.

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Wow! Why wouid she lie? Sad.

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I’ve found that journalists are often inaccurate with details. I spent a part of my youth in a semi-suburban town. Because of this, I turned up in the local papers from time to time, when I won contests, my Girl Scout troop did something, things of interest only to families. In high school I had a part in our class play. A local paper sent a photographer to our school to take a “picture of the cast. This was all well and good until we saw the photo in the paper with a significant typo. Instead of “ high school thespians, “. it read “ high school lesbians”.

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Seems symptomatic of our virtual/digital way of communicating, we don’t do our homework like we used to.

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