
Thank you, Esther. I was a little kid when she died. There is just something about her loss that has rungs so very tragic through-out the years. I am glad to hear she was a poet. Interesting. Another Marilyn to get to know. May she rest in peace.

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My mother’s main way of dealing with me was to compare me to others. Naturally, when she compared me to dear Marylin, I didn’t stack up well. I still had a pre-teen body, while hers was another story all together. Mom frequently reminded me that if Marylin washed her hair and it wasn’t perfect, she’d wash and set it again, even when she was late.

I was at Camp Ludfington, a primitive Girl Scout camp one Agust. We had an eclipse and a heat wave then, but that was nothing next to the news of Marylin’s suicide. We spoke of nothing else for the remainder of the session.

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