
Yes, Esther thx for reminding us to “love all that always is.” 💕

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Yes! This is it exactly! xxxooo k

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When it comes to my list of films, first of all, I recommend two film that I saw in the past two weeks, "The Father" and "Supernova", both of which deal sensitively in different ways with dementia. For anyone relating to someone close who has it, as I am, they are both enlightening and moving. This afternoon, on the last day of the week-long annual Solidarity Human Rights Film Festival at the Tel Aviv Cinematheque, I saw a fascinating doc "I am Gen Z", which featured both 15 to 22 year old Generation Z'ers explaining how they look at the world via the impact of social media, along with commentary from professional experts in various relevant fields. It was so good, filled with insight and informative analysis, that I want to see it again. And finally, the Festival featured a tribute to Amos Gitai, the most prolific Israeli film maker, with a showing of 10 of his 90 (!) films. His latest feature film, "One Night in Haifa", had its Tel Aviv premier on opening night, very worth seeing. And I also saw his 2017 doc "West of the Jordan River", a brilliant film about the occupation and those who are criticizing and fighting it, which also features the important last interview with Rabin before he was assassinated. Not bad for a filmmaker with a PhD from Berkeley in architecture, who says he never studied film making. He came to the showing of each of the 10 films, and gave a mini-master class discussion with the audience about each film. That's for starters.

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Esther, I think I read every word you provide publicly. Sometimes I laugh, sometimes I nod in agreement, sometimes I want to know more, sometimes I remember when our paths crossed. Sometimes, less often, I share. But today I want to weep, and hide, and shout, too: “fucking virus!” thankyou. Ginger

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Okay, for a movie list - I recently watched films: 1) "The Father" and "Supernova", both of which deal sensitively in different ways with dementia, which should be very helpful for anyone like myself who has to relate to someone who is suffering from it; 2) I just came back from a showing at the annual Solidarity Human Rights film festival where I saw "I am Gen Z", a fascinating film about how the generation born in 2000 differentiate themselves from the Millennials, both from their perspective and the perspective of experts. It's so good I want to see it again. And then, after seeing another doc film in the Festival by my friend the Argentinian-born Shlomo Slutzky on "Peron and the Jews", I looked for and saw for the first time "Evita", which led me to read up on both Evita and Juan Peron, who I discovered initially admired both Mussolini and Hitler, but who also later in life met a number of times with both Che Guevara and Allende. The Festival also featured a tribute to Amos Gitai, the most prolific Israeli film maker, with 90 (!) films to his credit. Not bad for someone who has a PhD from Berkeley in architecture. The festival opened with the Tel Aviv premier of his latest feature film, the very interesting "A Night in Haifa", which uses as its location a real pub/gallery run by Arabs near the port to display the gap of Jewish-Arab, Israeli-Palestinian, male-female, male-male relations. I also highly recommend his documentaries, particularly the very powerful 2017 film "West of the Jordan River", which includes the last interview ever given by Rabin before he was assassinated and describes the realities of the occupation and its implications.

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